
Something About Me and CrashBulletin

Welcome to my blog and thank you for stopping by :)
I have always been one who liked sports especially cricket you can say it's in my DNA. This blog, in a way, is my attempt to expand the cricket community in some small way and has been on my mind for years, you will also get here interesting news and fact about Movies, TV series, games, and other stuff like a healthy lifestyle.

Why I Started This Blog?

I would take a moment to explain why I started this blog and more importantly what value I think YOU can get out of it.
I wanted to create website/ blog for quite sometimes when I was in high school, but I wasn’t sure about what I would blog about, but I have decided now and come up with this. It's my first voyage of blogging.
I thought it would be a really good idea to help others and raise awareness along the way. I want to share what I have learned so far and what I continue to learn through blogging so that I can be of assistance in some way to improve their knowledge or understanding of the game.

Why You Should Read This Blog?

There are a lot of blogs out there already. This blogosphere is fully crowded.  None of them really focuses on the one thing or they cover other subjects. As you well know, there are a lot of exciting things going on in the blogosphere but it seems many of them get overlooked. The goal of my blog is to focus on fun facts and real stats which will help and at the same time cherish you.

BTW, Who The Hell Am I?

My name is Aman   – The guy behind this blog.
I’m a student, finishing my  B.tech(CSE)
blogger, SUPERCELL game addict.
the photo on the way...

Get In Touch

I am thankful to all my blog readers for commenting and reading my blog, it means a lot to me!
I always do my best to respond to all the emails.
You also contact me on social media
Thank you for dropping by.
Just read the blog here... gain knowledge | have fun.
Talk soon.

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