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Are you motivated? Then you are resilient!

Resilience is the cognitive dimension of motivation. It is the ability to maintain constant and elevated motivation despite adversities and hardships.

There has been a lot of talk lately about how young people don’t have any motivation. However, it is not necessarily that they have little motivation, but rather they have a low bar of resistance. They tend to surrender as soon as they encounter the first speedbump, meaning they have low resilience and cannot sustain motivation.

Resilience is cognitive in that each of us sees the world and its problems in a completely different way. Every person interprets the resources at their disposal as being unique or scarce, and each interpretation generates different behavior.

For example, a person who wants everything to go perfectly all the time is bound to become quickly frustrated when the world interferes with their plans. Someone who does not have such high expectations, on the other hand, will be much less stressed when things go wrong.

Returning to tennis, a shared characteristic of tennis players who have achieved great success is their ability to adapt to failure. Discomfort and struggle is part of the game and they do not view it as a destabilizing experience. In other words, they are able to set realistic expectations for themselves.

So there is a very strong link between intrinsic motivation and resilience: those who are driven by self-motivation have a much more pronounced resistance to hardships. Conditions that are stressful for some are not stressful at all to those who are governed by intrinsic motivation.

A professional can train for 10 hours a day without seeing it as a divine punishment. The alarm clock that unhappily wakes an unwilling office worker is music to the ears of someone who can get up and spend their day pursuing their passion. They are much more motivated and therefore willing to put up with a lot more in order to reach their goals.

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from Tennis World USA

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