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Andre Agassi explains why he rarely plays exhibition matches

In an interview, the eight-time Grand Slam winner Andre Agassi explained why he rarely plays exhibition matches. The American would be on the wish list of many tournaments including the Gerry Weber Open of Halle, but in an interview, he said: "Only for charity events with my wife Steffi Graf and very rarely. That's too difficult for the body. But I and Steffi like when people love watching us. My body seems much older for me."

Who makes coffee at home? "Before thinking about the coffee, first of all, someone needs to hang out with our three dogs!"

And who hangs out? "I have to admit that Stef likes it much more than me. We have dogs because it's important for us that our sons grow with animals. They are a part of the family."

Does it mean they can stay on the sofa? "Of course, the sofa is there for all of us! In the kitchen and living room, there is no warning for dogs. And at our bed? Too. They have their own area and they are very disciplined. When we sleep, there is room for them too."

Agassi admitted they thought about adopting a child for the future in order to stay busy but that is not going to happen: "There was a time where we intensely spoke of it. But over the last years, that was not an issue anymore because we are starting to feel old."

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from Tennis World USA

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