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Wimbledon open to hand Andy Murray a wild card

In a conference call, Wimbledon CEO Philip Brook commented on Andy Murray possibly getting a main draw wild card invitation. Murray is back to practice again a few weeks ago and this year he played two tournaments, Brisbane and the Australian Open. "There have been no discussions with Andy yet", said Brook. "It's too soon to know the answer to that one. Should he wish to apply, he would do so in the normal way. We have a scheduled meeting on June 18 ahead of the championships to decide on wild cards. We have a process which applies to all player. If Andy came forward with a strong case, I am sure we would work with him."

On Wimbledon buying golf course to expand the venue, in an interview to Forbes, Brook added: “It’s going to help us a lot over the years, nothing is going to start straight away because our arrangement with the golf course allows for a three or four-year period before we can take possession of all of the land. So we now are just starting to think again, in a master planning sense, about what is the art of the possible? How should we think about how our site is organized?” One of our aspirations for a long time has been to bring Wimbledon qualifying on site. Because it’s in Roehampton. It’s fine, but it’s not SW19, it’s not Wimbledon. Most people who play qualifying lose, and never get inside the grounds of our club. And so we’d like to put that right, and this gives us an opportunity to do that.”

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