Serena Williams: 'The sport has come a long way in the last 20 years'

Serena Williams commented on her longevity and how much she has brought to the game. The American player said: "One thing I absolutely never thought about. It's cool to kind of have these opportunities to think about. I'm not thinking about that yet because I'm still in it, I'm still playing, I'm still doing what I can do."
What has the sport come during your 20 years? "Yeah, I think the sport has come a really long way. It's been really satisfying to see sport for women, the premier sport for women... It's the best work in the world that a woman can do in my mind. I'm a little biased obviously. I feel like we fought so hard for so many years for so many different things. I feel like we still obviously have a ways to go, but a lot of that fighting through decades has come through."
Williams also recalled when she lost her first match on the pro tour ever in the Quebec City qualies: "I wasn't ready to play in Québec City. In fact, the only reason I played was because back then WTA was changing some rules for age eligibility. Unless you played in a certain year, then you can be grandfathered in. I had to play. I definitely wasn't ready.I was so nervous. Yeah, I actually didn't play again, I think that was '95, I didn't play again until '97. I knew I wasn't ready. Like, I just was doing it so I could play tournaments. But, yeah, I took like a good year and a half, almost two years off before I played again. Then when I played again, I was ready. I actually was ready to play some competitions and stuff. I just so wasn't ready for that other match."
from Tennis World USA
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