Barbara Rittner Hopes Angie Kerber e Julia Goerges Will Return to Top Level in 2020

The Head of Women's Tennis at the German Tennis Federation, Barbara Rittner, says that she hopes Angelique Kerber and Julia Gorges will get back to their top-level after a disappointing 2019 season and appointing new coaches - Kerber is now working with Dieter Kindlmann while Gorges is now working with former Fed Cup captain Jens Gerlach.

In an interview to NDR Radio, Rittner says, "2019 was not our best year. A change of coach always brings a breath of fresh air and at the beginning always new motivation and fun - just exciting new cooperation. With Jule, I can judge well: the two fit together perfectly, and also in the way they interact and work with each other. (On Kerber) I also wish that the new coach returns well and I hope that both Jule and Angie are going into the autumn of their careers. (I hope) that they stay healthy as long as possible and for one, two, maybe even three years. Simply for the young players behind us, we have very good U17 players to give time, to develop - or even those who still did not make the big breakthrough."

Rittner says that she hopes the two will make a good start to the season at the Australian Open after a good break in the off-season. "The Australia trip, which starts at the end of 2019 for many at Christmas, is incredibly important for further motivation. How much is it confirmed that the change of coach was a good new step, just to take positive momentum to the Australian Open and the whole New Year? I take my hat off, with what motivation they continue to get really professional really everything out of themselves. They owe nothing to anyone, just to themselves, they just have a great attitude, and this generation can be really proud if it leaves at some point."

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